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Mohua Marine Trust

Our Vision

To make a positive change In the marine space that will benefit all


Restoration and Enhancement

We aim to identify and implement measures to restore and enhance these fragile ecosystems. Our work will shine a light on the urgent need for enhancement, restoration, and awareness of the local marine environment.

Community Driven

Trust members and the wider community will be invited to collaborate to achieve our goals.  We want to highlight what has been lost and then initiate projects to enhance and restore these endangered biological communities and species.


We also endeavour to educate younger generations on how to continue this important work.


This vision will be achieved in the following ways:

1 / Work collaboratively with local iwi/Manawhenua ki Mohua (MKM), aquaculture and fishing companies, local authorities (DOC, TDC, Conservation Board) and marine biologists to identify issues of concern, and to develop solutions

2 / Honour the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
3 / Survey existing marine environments in and around Mohua Golden Bay to ascertain needs and requirements
4 / Develop long-term plans to initially place artificial reefs, working with local marine experts and contractors, installing educational signage, and developing a snorkel trail
5 / Fundraise to begin this work and maintain ongoing development and monitoring
6 / Engage local schools to participate in and observe ongoing projects
7 / Report back to stakeholder groups, and the wider community, on progress and outcomes.
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